Thursday, February 02, 2017

Short Story Reading - January 2017 

I have had the intent of keeping track of what short fiction I read for a while, the last time I tried I failed quickly. Ideally I'd add commentary and links, particularly as some of these pieces were very good and should absolutely be read. That'll maybe follow.  For the moment I'm sharing to at least get a ball rolling.

[ ] An Eligible Boy - a Iain McDonald *
[ ] Goddess, Worm - Cassandra Khaw
[ ] Ipoh Girls - Cassandra Khaw
[ ] Interred with their bones - Morris Tanafon
[ ] The voice-activated lift - Pippa Goldscmidt
[ ] Bodies Stacked Like Firewood - Sam J Miller
[ ] A Tower For The Coming World - Maggie Clark
[ ] The Forgotten Taste of Honey - Alexander Jablokov
[ ] Checkerboard Planet - Eleanor Arnason
[ ] Choose Poison, Choose Life - Michael Blumlein
[ ] The Death of Paul Bunyan - Charles Payseur
[ ] The Inheritance - Amelia Gray
[ ] A Trump Christmas Carol
[ ] Follow the White Line - Bo Balder
[ ] Of sight, of mind, of heart - Samantha Murray
[ ] Cat, I Must Work - Jo Lindsay Walton
[ ] Eating Science With Ghosts - Octavia Cade
[ ] Topaz marquee - Fran Wild
[ ] Shadow Weave - Yoon Ha Lee
[ ] Cabin Creek - Madeline Ffitch
[ ] Wooden Boxes Lined With The Tongues of Doves - Claire Humphrey
[ ] Abduction of Europe - E Catherine Tobler
[ ] The Leaning Lincoln - Will Ludwigsen (x)
[ ] Twenty lights to "The Land of Snow" - Michael Bishop
[ ] Project Entropy - Dominica Phetteplace
[ ] Words of Creation - M. K. Hutchins
[ ] Where I'm from, we eat our parents - John Wiswell
[ ] Better Than Bones & Dust - P. M. Dooling
[ ] The People in the Building - Sandra McDonald
[ ] Water Scorpions - Rich Larson
[ ] Astrophilia - Carrie Vaughan
[ ] Perils in Pets - Jez Patterson
[ ] I've come to marry the princess - Helena Bell
[ ] Shooting Gallery - J B Park
[ ] Plea - Mary Anne Mohanraj
[ ] The Compromise - Karin Terebessy
[ ] Sympathies - Kat Otis
[ ] Soulmonger - Paulo da Silva
[ ] Liane - Jay Lake & Ruth Nestvold
[ ] Man of the House - Pamela Ferguson
[ ] Justice System in Quantum Parallel Probabilities - Lettie Prell
[ ] The Ghost Ship Anastasia - Rich Larson
[ ] A Series of Steaks - Vina Jie-Min Prasad
[ ] The Most Famous Little Girl in The World - Nancy Kress*
[ ] Re: Upcoming Restroom Changes - Nicky Dryden
[ ] Souls - Mari Ness
[ ] In The Pines - K M Carmien

* - indicates previously read.
(x) - indicates unfinished because it didn't engage.

Some of these were read in text form, some listened to as podcasts, but I'm not differentiating for purposes of list.

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