Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Publication:Mythaxis - Issue 2
Now online - the second issue of a start up short story site, concentrating on SF/fantasy type stuff, though check their submissions for exact details. I think the intent is to publish bi-monthly, but its still at start up stage, so they are taking some time to get a handle on getting it all working.

I have a piece in this issue - Red Fever - my first "published" piece. A short piece set on Mars, following a strained relationship. Illustrated by my brother. Typically, this is not the piece I originally intended to submit, that piece took longer to work out than I had hoped. However, I did get that piece finished, and it is my hope that it will be in the next issue (estimated for June?), again illustrated by my brother.

I know a few of the people who have already submitted and been published, so I of course will say there is some good stuff up there and its worth checking out. So, there is some good stuff up there, and its worth checking out :D

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