Saturday, September 25, 2004

Title: My Brother Tom
Cast: Jenna Harrison, Ben Whishaw, Honeysuckle Weeks, Michael Erskine, Adrian Rawlins, Judith Scott, Patrick Godfrey, Jonathan Hackett
Director: Dom Rotheroe

There is something primal and feral about the relationship that develops between Tom and Jessica. Two teenagers rolling around naked in the woods, finding some kind of catharsis, as they howl and lash out at each other.

Jessica is a nice catholic girl. Takes care of animals in need. Has a good family life. Tom is different from the other kids. Who he is is something he keeps to himself. But there is something destructive behind his eyes, and he spends as much time as he can in the woods. After a chance encounter, Tom sets about seducing Jessica into a strong friendship. Quickly there is a bond formed, which makes Tom the only person she can relate to when things get darker in her own life.

My Brother Tom is a low budget British film, which makes use of camera tricks and filters to make up for that, and create a strong sense of atmosphere. the performances of the two leads, and the energy between them as they play off each other, brings the film to life. A charged coming of age film, informed by a darkness and a deep desire for understanding and support.

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