Saturday, November 01, 2003
Title: In The Cut
Cast: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Meg Ryan, Sharrieff Pugh, Nick Damici, Mark Ruffalo
Director: Jane Campion
tonight i went to see in the cut, which i think just opened this weekend. it was one of those showings where i was put off and distracted and annoyed by other members of the audience. the periodic knee in the back from someone trying to make themselves comfortable at my expense. the couple of older ladies, who didn't know what the film was about and kept up a running commentary of how shocked they were - concluding that it was shit.
personally i thought it was an ok film. some nice touches, visually and atmospherically. as a thriller it perhaps doesn't keep you guessing. though there are certainly options there for you to guess - the ex-lover turned stalker, the ambiguous police officer, the serial killer obsessed student. all given a level of credibility.
sexually it is reasonably explicit. especially the oral sex scene at the start, which is convincing enough, even though i read an interview with the director where she assured it was a prosthetic. a scene which i had actually forgotten about, until it happened. a territory more often reserved for the likes of catherine breillet.
i guess on the whole it comes across as being somewhere in between genres, a shadowy mixed up thriller, backed up by a seedy environment.