Thursday, November 20, 2003

"one of those moments had arrived: jack had been presented with the opportunity to be stupid in some way that was much more interesting than being shrewd wpi;d've been."
-neal stephenson - quicksilver

"not anotehr interview for your term paper! i had mine finished, like, weeks ago. you are totally gay."
"yeah well, you're fat. if my term paper was a discourse on weeping gorilla i'd have finished weeks ago too!"
"oh, you slut! weeping gorilla is completely the best!"
-alan moore - promethea book 1
-did i mention that promethea was great? the scenes where there is that kind of interaction crack me up, but moore quickly gets pretty hard core into this discourse on the history of magic, combining it with the ideas of reality versus fiction. promethea being a fictional character that the lead, sophie, is researching for a school paper. however, as she is warned:

"listen, kid, you take my advice. you don't wanna go looking for folklore. and you especcially don't want folklore to come looking for you."

-by which time it is too late, and folklore pretty much changes her life as she becomes the new embodiement of promethea, a kind of science hero based on a mystic curse 100s of years old. the first 3 books are available as paper back collections, the fourth is still in hard back only - filled with tarot, cabala, demonic hosts and weeping gorilla....

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